How it works

live and recorded classes

Live and recorded classes

Real-time interaction with your teachers.

Note sharing with other students You can watch the classes again as many times as you wish.

notes and shared projects

Notes and shared projects

Share project files and notes with your classmates. Colaborate in our projects to enhance your portfolio.

inmediate answers to all your questions

Inmediate answers to all your questions

Ask anything to your teacher, vote for the best questions and be part of our discussions. Get answers and help while you study.

guides tutorials and videos

Guides, tutorials and videos

In addition to our videos, we have guides, tutorials and bonus live streaming classes to enhance your learning experience.

Train Your Mind

35+ training activities for the skills you need the most.

"I'm seeing myself improve in different ways that I didn't know I could."

Jeremy Caballero

"MS Work allows me to better my communication personally and professionally."

Sahil Desai

"It's also helped my speaking, because I'm a little bit more considerate about overusing words."

Michael Peltzer

"I can already see it improving my life when I'm communicating with people."

Jennifer Bautista

"I feel like I'm taking a mental multivitamin."

Jane Gress

Pick the skills you'd like to improve

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Train at least 5 times a week to get the best results